About Us

Improvement East is the Eastern Region’s Improvement and Innovation Alliance (RIIA). A collaboration of all eleven Eastern Region single and two-tier local authorities that work together to improve outcomes for Children and Young People in the East.

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About Improvement East

Improvement East works to improve outcomes for Children and Young People in the region by facilitating collaboration, challenge, innovation and improvement in Children’s Services.  It brings together all 11 local authorities in the East and works their strategic partners, such as, the Department of Education, the Local Government Association, NHSE and the eight other RIIAs across the country to bring about positive change. It supports the sharing of best practice and challenges for mutual benefit and promotes working together to find solutions.  It facilitates the use of peer challenges and peer review to support improvements regionally and in individual local authorities.

Improvement East  produces a Regional Development Plan which identities the key shared priorities for the region, the actions to be taken to drive improvement and provides a programme of work.

You can read more about our work on the following pages…


Contact Details

Improvement East Inbox: (Improvement East)


Use the details above to get in touch with us, or visit our Contact page to send an enquiry.