Eastern Collaborative Children’s Residential Network (ECCRN)

The collaboration of leaders with responsibility for Front Doors in each of the 11 local authorities in the Eastern Region.

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About the Eastern Collaborative Children’s Residential Network (ECCRN)

This is a newly established network. The ECCRN is a 3 monthly forum for exchanging knowledge, good practice, challenges, resources and information. All Registered Managers of all homes are invited to be collaborative members

The ECCRN is hosted by Improvement East, a collaboration of the 11 local authorities working together to look at Placement Sufficiency.

Eastern region local authorities are working together to explore how as a collaborative they can work together to increase sufficiency and improve outcomes for children. The ECCRN is integral to this project collaboratively supporting Residential Child Care practice. We have our own space and will use it for  a variety of purposes.

Jonathan Stanley of the National Centre for Excellence in Residential Child Care (www.ncercc.co.uk) is providing expert support and input to the ECCRN

Chair : Steve Gentry and Helen Hoggins

Useful links


The network meetings online on a quarterly basis.


Contact Details

SLI Programme Lead: Rachel Black (Improvement East)
