Children’s Improvement Board

The Eastern branch of the Association of the Directors of Children’s Services.

About the Children’s Improvement Board

The aim of the Children’s Improvement Board is to improve outcomes for children and young people living in the Eastern Region by providing oversight, challenge and support to the region’s sector led improvement offer and children’s services performance across the region. It supports, directs and challenges the SLI programme in terms of the progress and implementation of the Regional Development Plan ensuring that all 11 LAs are participating.  It champions and engages in sector led improvement with wider regional and national partners, including ADCS, Solace and LGA, encouraging engagement and ownership at a senior political and officer level within authorities.

The Children’s Improvement Board consists of the DCS lead for SLI, a lead member for Children’s Services, a lead Chief Executive as well as the DfE advisor and the regional LGA advisor.

Chair : Helen Lincoln (Executive Director Children, Families and Education, Essex)

Useful links


The board meets online twice a year.


The Children’s Improvement Board provides governance for the RIIA.

Contact Details

Improvement East Inbox: (Improvement East)