Principal Children and Family Social Worker Network

The collaboration of Principal Children & Family Social Workers from all 11 local authorities in the Eastern Region.

About the Principal Children and Family Social Worker Network

The PCFSW Network provides a forum for exchanging knowledge, good practice, challenges, resources and information about social work developments.  Members collaborate to develop and share useful resources to support excellent social work practice.  The network gives the opportunity to develop a collective voice to feedback key themes to the national network and the steering group.

The Network has an agreed set of priorities that it is focusing on over the next 12 months.

Useful links


The network meets online on a monthly basis.

Paul McGee (Essex) and Olga Staicu (Hertfordshire)  co-chair the meetings.


The PCFSW Network reports into the CSC SLI Leadership Network.

Contact Details

Improvement East Inbox: (Improvement East)